Godparents dilemma!!!


I have always known that I wanted any children that I have to be Christened. I was Christened myself and it's important to me that my daughter is too. My husband however does not believe in God or the church and so isn't particularly bothered about it but he has agreed to let me have Isabella Christened. However, for someone who isn't bothered he's trying to dictate where we have the christening and who her godparents will be. He wants her Christened in a village that is 300 miles from where we live because it's where his grandparents are, and while I appreciate the sentiment and the thought behind it, I've tried to explain that the rest of our family (who live within 10 miles of us) would not be able to attend and there would be hardly anyone there. The second issue is that he wants his brother to be her only godfather, and on this I flatly refuse. While he is a nice enough person, he is irresponsible, constantly between jobs, takes a plethora of drugs, smokes and drinks excessively, owes us thousands of £s, and is never contactable about anything, and he isn't baptised or Christened himself. He has never even asked about our daughters welfare or even visited her in the 8 weeks since she's been born. But I'm the bad person for saying that I don't want him as a moral guardian in her life. Am I wrong for feeling this way? My husband is making me feel like I'm a bad person for wanting the best for our daughter.

What would you do ladies? Xx