I need an input. Kinda freaking out

Hello ladies. 
Ok so I had a pretty regular period in January that started on the 12th and ended on the 15th. Me and my fiancé had sex on the 26th and 30th and again on the 1st of this month. According to my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> app my period was suppose to start on the 11th of this month which it never came but on the 15th, I noticed very brown spotting appeared. A few drops in my underwear and on the tissue as I wiped. (Sorry TMI) Now normally, once I see spotting my flow will start to pick up as the day progresses. This time around it never did. So for four days I had this brown spotting which later turned into a cranberry color. I normally have a heavy flow but this time around it was very light. I'm a tampon AND pad kind of girl that's how heavy my flow is but this, I was fine with just the pad or tampon on its own. Now here's where it gets scary.... 11 days in and I'm still spotting. It went from a normal red back brown again. I've never experienced anything like this with my period not even when I was on BC (which I am not anymore) so this is rather strange. I have very dull but noticeable on and off cramping in my lower abdomin but nothing too alarming. My nipples aren't sore anymore that went away by day 6 which in my head 'ok cool my period is about to be over with' but I guess aunt flow wants to over stay her welcome 😒. I tried calling my doctor and she's booked up until March 28th so I'm going into Urgent Care today before work. Could this be something I should be freaking out about or is this normal PMS BS/Hormonal issues.  
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