Never Lose Hope Ladies!!!

After 25 months of TTC and being told we had no chances of conceiving naturally, and <a href="">IVF</a> was our only option God really had his own plan for us. Ladies that have been trying as long as me or longer PLEASE don't not lose hope, I know it's easier said then done and I honestly know the heartache and distress you are going through. I know that feeling of month after month af after af taking 10+ tests a month and ending up with a BFN, people getting pregnant around you left right and centre I KNOW!!! Deep in my heart I didn't want to believe what the doctors told us, but at the same time I knew it was going to be a long wait. I've cried on many occasions, infertility is a very lonely journey, the nights I stayed up crying to myself asking God to give us this blessing we've longed for, and our prayers finally got answers and we conceived NATURALLY!!!! 
I wish all the ladies that are ttc that God makes things easy for you and bless you with blessing you have been waiting for. 💗💗💗💗
This month what we did different was we used clear blue advanced ovulation tests,  first month using preseed and vitamin b6. I hope this helps you ladies.