spotting but good ultrasound- still considered threatened miscarriage??

Hi everyone. Yesterday I woke up and wiped and had bright red blood mixed with my usual mucous like discharge. As I wiped it got lighter and then went away. It never even showed up in a pad. I ended up going in because this is my first pregnancy and I was so scared. I'm 9+5. The doctor said it was a threatened miscarriage and had a 50/50 chance of continuing. The doctor had us go for an ultrasound and when we went a different doctor came in and said everything looked absolutely perfect and the heartbeat was 169 and baby was moving around like crazy and we measured at 10w. I haven't had any cramping or bleeding since when I wiped so I'm wondering if anyone else has had this and how much I should worry about it. Is it still considered a threatened miscarriage even though we had a great us?? I'm so nervous and scared because we were TTC for 2.5 years and I just want this baby so so badly!!