TTC..What Should We Do?

I am 39 yrs old and I have a 19 yr old daughter (only pregnancy). My fiancé and I were curious to see if a child was possible after marriage, so we visited a fertility specialist. He has no children. I have a history of fibroids and have had 2 myomectomies for removal. I also had a Cesarean when I gave birth 19 yrs ago. The initial work up showed all levels were good with the exception of low AMH (ovarian reserve). She went on to order an HSG, which was performed yesterday. She advised that both tubes were blocked and that there was possibly scar tissue in my uterine cavity. She said she was unsure of what it was but didn't think it was worth investigating. She said no <a href="">IVF</a> because my uterus wouldn't support the embryo. She said our only hope was getting a carrier. We were heartbroken and didn't expect this news. My question is: Is it normal protocol for a doc to make such a decision without further exploring my uterus? Can't scar tissue be removed? She wasn't sure what it was but chose not to go any farther. We decided to book another appointment with a another specialist with better credentials for a second opinion. I wondering if we should just let it go or should we push forward? We're both ok if a child isn't produced since we are older, etc. I guess I just want to know for sure. Thoughts?