Better off without childish people!

I met this girl through my best mate and we've all been friends ever since. I'm talking maybe 10 years or more. She's always been...tempremental to say the least. If she doesn't get her own way she throws a full on strop and can ignore you for days. So, she's getting married but me and my best mate can't afford to go to her hen do (bachelorette party) as we've got money problems right now. You'd think a 'friend' would understand this but noooo, not this one! She deleted our whatsapp group, said on Facebook that she's already sent out her save the dates (which me and my best mate haven't received) and now she's deleted me from Facebook. We both suggested doing something for her more locally, we only received the email from her maid of honour about 2 weeks ago and we're given 2 weeks to confirm that we are going. It's not enough time to save. I mean, I have NO time for this childishness and can't believe that someone who has been a 'friend' for so long can be so fickle! I needed to rant because this isn't something I'll be telling people we both know as I'm not like that. I feel like I'm so much better off without her.