I think my husband thinks I'm fat

I swear my husband thinks I'm fat. I used to weigh 120 lbs when we first dated but back then I didn't eat much and mainly ate salad at school for lunch every day. When we got our first place I was 17 and started gaining weight because he was the cook and made steaks and mashed potatoes a lot. As time went by I kept gaining weight and now I'm 200 lbs. I've been 190-200 lbs off and on for a few years now. We used to have sex all the time and for the longest time I barely get it. He never says I'm beautiful or sexy unless I ask him. When I say is it because I'm too fat he always says no you're fine. I've been trying to lose weight but I have food addictions to particularly sweets. I am tired of being this big and I guarantee if I lost weight he would want to do more with me. He has gained weight as well but not nearly as much as myself. He never touches me sexually until he wants to have sex. Makes me sad and I'm really trying to kick this food addiction but my will power isn't quite there. What do you think?