Afraid of dying while giving birth...

So before anything I'm not pregnant. However even before actually having a formal boyfriend or even having sex I've always been afraid of dying while delivering or just having bad complications. Now that I'm engaged and that I am looking forward to a beautiful life with him I've been thinking about that even more. We do want to have children. We've talked about it and I just never feel ready (that's what I tell him) but, part of it is that and the other part is just being to scared. I have also been straight up with him and told him about my fears and he tells me just to not think about it and that everything will be just fine. Sometimes I feel like it's not "normal" for me to feel like this because it's just been a fear of mine for such a long time. Has anyone else went through this before? And if so how did you get over it or what helped you over come it?