Im in pain

I was given two due dates only 3 days apart but it really does make a difference going by one due date I'm 33 weeks and the second due date I'm 34 weeks. May not see important but I'm in pain haven't had a good night sleep the past few days due to the discomfort. But today I Got up with serious cramping and  back pain that's just there and has gotten worst I keep reading to time the pain and contractions but what exactly am I timing the pain is just there it feels like I'm passing blood lots but there's nothing. My bladder gets so full so quick I'm running  back and forth from the bed to the restroom. When I push the pain lessens. But it's still bad I don't want to go to the hospital I'm not ready to have my baby I know in my heart it's not time. Just want the discomfort of the pain to go away or even lesson at the very least.