Birth Story πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ‘ΆπŸ½πŸŽ‰It all started with being induced

Birth Story πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ‘ΆπŸ½πŸŽ‰
It all started with being induced . He was due the 15th but didn't want to come at all so they scheduled me for the 23rd to start induction . I came in the 23rd and they told me if everything was good and my cervix looked favorable they would send me home and I wouldn't recieve cervadil. Well they said my cervix was 90% effaced and I was only 1 cm but that was good enough to send me home . So Friday the 24th , they started me on pitocin at about 7:30 / 8:00 am . Everything was going great I started feeling contractions at about 10 all through the day and they were painful . Come to find out at 4pm the pitocin was not working right because my cervix was not favorable and I hadn't dilated not even half a cm . So they stopped the pitocin and 5pm I was started on cervadil which they should have done to begin with cause I'm a FTM. Anyways by about 1:30 am I start getting contractions but these are different from the ones from the pitocin . These ones are pain from my waist down . Not just in my uterus but back , legs , uterus and sides . At 4:30 each contraction was getting closer and closer . So painful though I decided to walk to speed things up . I walked for about 10 minutes before they decided to take the cervadil out . I was at 2 cm when they removed it They did and I sat through contractions till about 11 . At 11 I felt the weirdest and most painful drop ever inside where he was but I just thought it was another contraction until I only felt tightening more and more . I touched between my legs and looked at my mother in law and said I'm pretty sure that was my water that just broke . Then right as I said it the first contraction started . And wow was there pain . They just kept coming and coming . Doctor came and checked my cervix I was a 4 but I couldn't wait any longer I needed an epidural and that's what I got . They said I should dilate a cm an hour but boy were they wrong . At 1pm they checked again and I was 8 cm . 8 !!! It had only been 2 hours and I dialated 4 cm !! And by 2:05 I was a 10 . Thank god for epidural cause even those short hours the way contractions were at 2 cm I knew I couldn't have done it . Well after an hour of pushing my baby boy decided to show himself and he is a spitting image of daddy ! Just handsome as ever and I'm in love completely πŸ™ŒπŸ½β€οΈπŸ˜πŸ‘ΆπŸ½