I told my siblings....2 different responses

Sierra • 33 💍💎Married 💎💍, Angel Sydnei in heaven 👼🏽, Rainbow baby boy October 2018 Robert iii👶🏽, Rayegan Joy die October 2020

So I am the youngest of 3. My sister (the oldest) doesn't have any children, my brother has 4, and this will be my husband and I first. I found out Wednesday night...Took a digital Friday morning and tested today (usually my cycle would have started) because I am still in complete aww I guess I'm just making sure I'm not crazy. Lol

So we were gonna hold out and wait to tell anybody, but because my siblings and I are so close we decided to do so. My brother was the first call. He was super excited, congratulating us, etc. Then I called my sister, in the back of my mind I wanted her to be excited for us, to say congratulations, to be as thrilled as we are, but that wasn't the case, which deep down I knew she would act like this. So I called, she's rambling on about something or another, when she's done I say, well I was calling you to tell you that Robert and I are expecting, due in November. She said nothing for 2 mins....So I say helloooo, you there? She says yes, I'm waiting on you to explain. So I look at my husband and I'm like explain what? So then she says it's just February how do you know already, I said that's what early test are for. She's quite, still waiting on an explanation (of what idk). But to make a long story short, she really hurt my feelings, 1 for being dry as hell, and 2 thinking I owe her a freaking explanation, like I'm 5, dude I'm grown. #ughhhhhhhh #feelingshurt