Please Help To Welcome Our New Arrival!


Warning: Long story!

Everyone has been saying that every pregnancy is different, and as a FTM, I've become a believer of that today.

This morning at 5am, I woke up to some period like cramps, like the kind you get on day 2 and you gotta use a heating pad and take some motrin.

My contractions were so inconsistent. I had them 8 mins apart, 11 mins apart, 14 mins, even up to 20 mins. I was told when they were 5 mins apart for 1 min to call the doctor. It wasn't until 11 am that I called, but the nurse didn't think that I was in active labor because my contractions weren't typical. She offered to allow me to come in, but she said that it would be better if I waited out until they were more consistent. She suggested a Tylenol and a hot bath if I wasn't coming. I stayed home and followed her suggestions. My contractions eased up and I took a 20 min nap, then boom! They were 11-14 mins apart. After waking up from the pain, I called the nurse back to discuss at least coming in to get fluid. I got to the hospital, and when they checked me, I was already 6.5-7 centimeters dialated. They were shocked because my contractions weren't ideal.

Long story short, at 4:25, I couldn't take it anymore, and I finally was allowed to push. I forced this handsome being out before the doctor could catch him, (the nurse caught him , and this was the same way my mom delivered me 31 years I ago. The doctor was late) and I ended up with 3 sutures for several tears, way up high near my cervix down to my perineum. I almost gave in to the epidural, but I was scared to have a needle in my back.

Now I'm a mother, and this is my perfect baby boy Marshall, born today February 26, 2017 at 4:39pm, weighing 7lbs even and he was 19.25 inches long. I'm a proud woman who was able to get him latched on my first try!