Baby girl arrived promptly!

My due date was Feb 22. I thankfully had off work on the 20th and was able to have a nice long weekend. Well that night I started getting contractions. So of course I get all excited and stay awake all Monday night timing them. They started out at ten mins apart and gradually went to 20-30 mins apart. Disappointed I wrote my boss a quick email explaining I needed to try to sleep. Went to bed early morning for a couple of hours (still waking up with the contractions) and went into work Tues at 1pm and worked half a day with contractions still 30 mins apart (freaked the male intern out a bit haha). Went home and about 7pm they started to get a little closer together. Hubby went to bed. I stayed up and watched TV and timed them again. At 3 am they were at the magic number to go to hospital. Woke him up and we got around. Got to the hospital Weds (22nd) at 4am. They admitted me at a "loose 1cm". Did pretty well.. walked the halls with my IV (had to have an antibiotic for strep B). Got to see a friend of a friend who had a C section at 7am. Spoke with her family and checked out her cute little boy. About 8am contractions were hitting me harder so I sat in the armchair in the labor room. Walked some more. About noon they checked and I was 3cm. I asked for some pain meds. They gave me an hours worth of something through my IV. Transition phase happened and the nurse suggested I take a warm shower. Hubby helped hold me up and rub my back the whole time. (He was amazing by the way) I got out of the shower and told them I felt like I had to push a poo out. They checked and I was an 8!!! I asked for the pain mediciation but it was too late at that point. Almost panicked when Doctor told me that. We got pushing. 7 mins later she was out and screaming. All in all labor wasn't that awful (don't get me wrong it hurt but I got lucky with the amount of pushing time). Baby came out grasping the umbilical cord and had to pry her fingers away before putting her on me. Baby Evelyn Anne (named after both our grandmothers)
 was born at 3:57pm on her due date (Weds Feb 22) and daddy and I couldn't be more in love with her. To all you mamas who haven't given birth yet, it is SO worth it. I can't even describe. Much love.