Precious little man one week old today!


So I have been putting off writing this all out, but as I'm nursing my little one I have my hands free so why not!

He was due February 21st and I for some reason thought he wouldn't come on his own. Saturday I woke up to a leak of what appeared to be watery discharge on the bed, I examined and me and SO saw white creamy discharge in the middle and didn't see how it could be my water so decided to wait it out. That night I lost my bloody show and contractions began. Sunday they slowed down, I continued losing bloody show. By Monday at 2Am contractions kept getting worse and worse, I was falling asleep in between them and trying to time them, I told SO to go to work and I'd call if it was happening. Oh my god contractions got so bad. I wasn't having any back pain, it was excruciating period cramps basically. I was pale, vomiting, diarreah, 11am I text SO to come home.

He gets home calls hospital, they say to come in. I checked in at 1:30pm Monday, I was 4cm dilated. We waited about two hours, then epidural and pushing. I couldn't feel a thing, I couldn't even lift my legs, ( that was my goal! ) The Dr was upset because apparently it was my water that broke on Saturday which meant I waited two days unintentionally!

Finley was born at 5:47pm weighing 6lbs 10oz

I am a FTM and this is all so new and scary, all I know is we love him more than anything and waking up to that little face makes me feel like I won the lottery.