Possible Pregnancy or Cyst with Mirena IUD

Hey! I've had the Mirena IUD for about a month and week now. Last week I saw my boyfriend over the weekend and we had sex twice. Both times he came inside of me which I thought was no big deal since I am on birth control. Well since then I've had cramping quite a bit. I developed a cyst on my vulva lip during that time, and it still there. Now I think it may be possible that another one has since I last saw him, or it could be possible that I am pregnant. All of a sudden this passed weekend I began to feel a lot of pain on the left side of my pelvic area. I can't sleep on that side because it begins to ache. My breasts have been ridiculously tender and sore to the point where I can barely touch my nipples. It hurts when I urinate, it hurts when I laugh, and I have slight bloating in my lower abdomen. When I press down on the left side of my pelvic area, I do feel pain. Now on top of all of that I am getting sick, and I can't tell if it is just allergies or that something is wrong because I feel worse as the days go by. It would be great if anyone could let me know if they have experienced anything similar, and to please give me some insight because I am freaking out. Thank you! 💗