
So my princess was due March 4th but made her way out yesterday February 26th at 9:26 pm. It all started with a long day of diarrhea but I didn't want to dehydrate and have braxton hicks that wouldn't do anything to my cervix because I had already been having that for 2 weeks and it's been a drag. Anywhoo husband brought me to labor and delivery triage to get some IV so I wouldn't dehydrate. Long story short it's 7 pm and I get the IV in and the nurse says since I'm still having contractions we should walk around while I'm getting IV and see what happens. Ok so we walk for a half hr because that's all I could take before the contractions were horrible. The nurse says ok let me check the cervix because you were 3 before you came from the last doc appointment, she checks and says close to 4 but I feel your water bag bulging so we are going to put you in a delivery room. Now the contractions are out of control because she just checked me at 9 pm after she saw me puking. Ok we walk to the delivery room stopping every other minute for a contraction. We are in the room, they begin to hook me up to the monitor and my water breaks, I start to scream as they try to get my legs on the bed and after 2 pushes that I couldn't control out pops baby at 9:26. 6 lbs 9.5 oz 19 1/2 inches long. Our perfect princess Alyssa has arrived.