
I feel so sad with this article on the link

My son had latching problem when he was born and I was planning to be Exclusive Breastfeeding (EB) mom, but my Breast Milk (BM) wasnt much and I was so naive n kept trying to nursing him and didnt want to try formula. I was wrong, days 2 doctor announce he got jaundice, its like big Slap on my face, really hard and I cried. So I asked nurse to get me formula for my son & a breast pump. So I pumped. I fed my son with BM & Formula. I do that because want to know how many oz/ml he drink. Days 5 we go back home.

1st time mom / mom to be.. please read this. If you want to be EB mom, find out how to get more supply BM. If you have problem with milk supply, ask for a pump (or prepare your breast pump) or don't afraid to give formula to your baby if your BM not ready yet. Newborn baby will cry and cry when they are hungry. Even you put them on the nipple, they might starting latching for hours and fall a sleep but we are not sure how much our baby drink unless your BM supply is coming out right away (some moms takes days to produce the BM). So dont ignore your feeling. Jaundice is a sign that your baby need to drink more so dont wait too long to feed your baby. If doctor said they can survive for 4 days DONT LISTEN. Get a pump/get formula right away.