Sharp/shooting pain in ovary?

I'm 5 weeks PP and I've been having this sharp pain in my ovaries for the past two days, similar to ovulation pain but a bit more painful and intense. It's mostly the left side but yesterday it started on the right side too. Today it went on for about an hour and then went away. It comes and goes but it's been very on/off today. It also has been the most painful today and I'm also experience dull back/hip cramping, similar to early labor cramping. I've been nauseated today and yesterday but I'm wondering if that's due to a new medication. I'm wondering if it's normal or if anyone else experienced this. What could it be?
I made the mistake of googling it and I found a forum where ladies were talking about it being an early pregnancy symptom. So now I'm kind of freaking out. SO and I have been a little risky in the protection department...
So much crap has been going on lately, I just started Zoloft yesterday. (I think the Zoloft is causing my nausea.) I don't know what's normal and what's not right now. Help is appreciated!