In law issues??


So my husband and I just recently got married a few months ago, but we've been together since 2012. I had just gotten out of a horrible very long relationship where I was cheated on, but when I met my husband we hit it off immediately and started dating. A little about me, I'm very quiet and shy when you first meet me, I suffer from horrible social anxiety. It's a miracle my husband even liked me, I feel like I was the most awkward date ever! Anyways, as we started dating I of course started meeting his family. His parents are divorced but both re married. I have always been close with my past boyfriends parents because once you get past my quiet stage, I open up and usually click pretty well with people. I always felt from the beginning his parents didn't like me. They would make snide comments about me being so quiet (which made it worse), making sarcastic comments like "do you even have a voice?" and basically just made me feel small and stupid. I don't feel like I ever got the chance to WANT to open up with them because I always felt like they thought I was some weird quiet girl. This was also hard and new for me after my last relationship since it had been a long time since I had to meet any boys family. Anyways, I never felt close to them and they never seemed to like me... then the day my husband told them he was going to propose to me, they did a complete turn around and started treating me better. I finally felt like I was opening up and whatnot. What bothers me, is that my husband has a twin brother and he didn't start dating his now girlfriend until 2015... she got pregnant within a couple months of them being together, and when they announced it to the family she instantly became their favorite person ever. Which i completely understand! I mean.. she's giving them their first grandchild.. I totally get it. In a way it hurt because I felt like I had been trying for 3 years to be close to them and then because she got pregnant she was just automatically granted into their family without trying at all. She's a great girl though, so I completely understand and don't wish for her to feel secluded from them like I did. (also, before anyone says I'm jealous of her being pregnant - I'm not... my husband and I aren't even ready for kids). Then enter my husbands little brothers girlfriend... they've been dating for less than a year but she as well was automatically loved by his family. Both of those girlfriends even call my husbands mother "mom". I know I sound like a jealous lunatic, but it just bothers me so much. I've been with my husband for 5 years now, and yes his parents treat me better than they used to but we still hardly ever get a phone call from them, or anything... and they live right down the street. Both sets of parents. If we do want to see them WE have to be the ones to get ahold of them. But on Facebook I see them having dinners every week with the other siblings and their girlfriends or I'll see his parents comment on all of their pictures telling them how amazing they all are... they have never commented on any of mine and my husbands stuff. By the way, my husband feels the same way too. He said this has how it's been his whole life... he has always felt secluded from his brothers. He has actually told me he feels closer to MY mom than to any of his family. He gets hurt when he sees them having dinners on Facebook too, because we're never invited. We both just don't understand what we've done wrong. Both of his brothers are constantly borrowing money from his parents and constantly need things from them.... My husband and I do very well for ourselves and have never had to ask them for anything. Could that be why? Do they maybe feel like since they aren't "needed" by us that we shouldn't be invited to dinners and such? I'm tired of feeling like this jealous crazy person. I WANT to be close to his family but don't know how. I have tried to randomly send sweet texts to his parents telling them I'm thinking of them and to have a good day... or I've invited them out with just me so we can get to know each other... during our wedding planning his mother would cancel almost every time I had planned to do wedding stuff. I specifically asked her if she would come to my last dress fitting and she bailed 20 minutes before the appointment. I just don't know what to do anymore and don't know how my husband and I can try anymore. Am I being crazy and dramatic???? We have talked about confronting them with how we feel but we both hate confrontation and aren't sure if we have a valid reason?...... If anyone read this far, thank you!!