what felt like a long day

Tatiana • ; Mother to a handsome boy and a beautiful baby girl ❤️
 I was woken up with what I thought was gas pains on 2/27 at 8 am after having about 5 in 20 mins I thought to myself no this can't be gas pains these are contractions. At 10:30am I finally woke up my husband because I was crying and screaming in pain. They were 8 mins apart. I took a shower to figure out if they would go away. We packed our bags and headed to the hospital 10 mins away. They tell me to walk around the hospital. Contractions got to every 90 seconds apart. I get into a gown and I get checked at 12 and I am 3cm and at 12:30pm I was 5cm. They admit me and tell me I'm in active labor. The contractions were so bad but they didn't want to break my water yet till I was 6 cm.baby was having d cells with every contraction so I was put on oxygen. The contractions got so bad I opted for Laughing Gas. And that worked until it was time for the epidural. It was now 230pm and I am getting the epidural which didn't work the first time so I had to get it twice. After the epidural which took till 315 to put in I felt NOTHING. Checked again I was 7cm so they finally broke my water. At 3:45pm I was 9.5cm and by 3:50 I was a full 10 cm. NICU was called because I was only 36.6 weeks. I started pushing at 3:52pm and my son was born at 3:54pm in two pushes. My son was born weighing 4 pounds and 14 ounces. His blood sugars are low and is in the NICU. Being a first time mom I had no idea what was going on. My big man made his way into the world on February 27,2017 with his original due date being March 21st 💙