Please Stop Giving False Info!

I see soooo many women on here giving such false information on breastfeeding and it's so sad and makes me angry! A bf mom asks for help and I see so many people commenting saying "you should be doing this or that, no that's not normal, you're probably not producing enough, you should start pumping instead." Like no no no, just cause something worked for you doesn't mean it's going to work for everyone! Stop scaring these FTM moms out of breastfeeding! I mean if they decide to stop then okay but don't scare them out of it. 
So ladies who are struggling. I really recommend for you to join "Expressions! Lactation Services" on Facebook. It's ran by certified lactation constultants and they actually take their time to listen to you and answer your questions with CORRECT information. Some will even video chat you if needed. 
I'm staying anonymous because I don't need people attacking me.