My due date was 2/25 but this little chunky ham didn't make his appearance until 2/28


My due date was 2/25 but this little chunky ham didn't make his appearance until 2/28. I originally planned a medication free water birth. I labored in water many hours but eventually gave in to an epidural which was absolute heaven on earth. However epidural led to pitocin which was unpleasant, and after 26 hours of labor I wasn't making enough progress and needed to get a C section before baby's head was too swollen from pushing too long (his heartbeat was fine and his head is fine too!) I was terrified of the C section but i was so ridiculously out of it i hardly remember a thing. And when I saw baby was out and safe, I fell right asleep. He's perfect, he scored 8 and 9 on his Apgar not sure why it was two different scores... hes breastfeeding like a little champion and we did delay his cord clamping so he is very alert and a happy baby! It wasn't my original plan but whatever had to happen im so happy to have this sweet baby here with me. You can't see under his cute hat but he even has a full head of dark hair! He made all the heartburn worth it. Welcome to the world Maxwell Anthony.

7.7 lbs (funny bc his first middle and last name are all 7 letters each)

20.5 inches

I love him.