latching issues

❤️ • Momma of 1 ❤️
My baby boy is now 2 weeks old 💙 he was born at 37 weeks and was tongue & lip tied at birth so there were some complications getting him to latch during my hospital stay. We got it cut! He latched maybe 3-4 times during the two days I stayed thats without issuing a nipple shield. It was so bad they had to supplement because his blood sugar was going low. I had a severe tooth infection and was unable to breastfeed for one week due to the medication I was on. I pumped and dumped that week to keep my milk coming. I recently started pumping this Monday and putting it in a bottle when he turned 2 weeks old so I can give him breast milk instead of formula. He's latched to my bare nipple and fed for an hour ONCE since Monday. Other times he screams bloody murder and we both get frustrated and I end up giving him the bottle...he sometimes will latch but won't suck. Or he just won't latch at all. I have an appt with a lac consultant on Monday but idk what to do until then other than pump! I don't want to keep using the shield, I feel it takes away from that bonding experience and I'm worried he won't take my bare breast at all if I keep giving it to him with the shield. Any advice? Please 😩