Be still my heart...

Lady • Wife & Mommy 👦🏼👦🏼👧🏼
I love moments like this. I live for the moments I can just lay beside him, feed him, cuddle him, and enjoy him. Before I started breastfeeding, I never understood how someone could breastfeed a child for 2+ years. When I started breastfeeding I thought, "I seriously don't see how someone could do this longer than a year. One year is it for me. That's all. I can make it through one year." Now, 3 months (March 9th) into this whole breastfeeding thing, and I understand. I understand it completely. I wish I could have moments like this with him forever. It breaks my heart that there will be a "last time" some day. I'll breastfeed him for the last time. I'll rock him to sleep for the last time. I'll lay beside him in bed for the last time. For now, I'll cherish every second. 
(Pay no mind to his little bald spot 😁)