The monthly torture

I think this is it, we timed it right. 
Maybe this could really be it..
I'm not gonna drink just in case.
I got some light pink cm!
Should I test? No I'll wait.. 
Is that implantation cramps? 
Should I test? No I'll wait..
My tummy feels weird. Gurgly, gassy, 
Should I test? No I'll wait..
My boobs are so sore. More than usual.
I'm both starving and not hungry.
I'm peeing a lot. 
My tummy is bloated.
Is this implantation bleeding?
This could be implantation bleeding..!
...Oh. ☹️
Take a moment. 
Readjust your crown.
Reach for a tampon.
Go for pizza and wine.
"Next time.. Next time."