Baby girl came 2 weeks early via induction due to PIH

Baby girl came 2 weeks early via induction due to PIH. Was due March 12th. 
 Im one happy mama😍
The induction process started 9pm Thursday evening with cyctotec to help ripen the cervix. I was told Aubrey was "much too active and excited" to start the next dose until 1am on Friday morning. Again she was still active so had to wait for the third dose until after 7:15am. 
Started pitocin at 10:30am, then had my water broke at 2pm. Started having very intense contractions also in my back, so got a dose of fentanyl around 3pm. 5pm got an epidural.
Finally was dilated to an 8 at 10pm. Fully dilated at 12. Started pushing. Pushed quite a while and baby girl had moved in a weird position so got in a hands/knees position for a while, then continued to push. Around 2-3 or so they had me Labor down so she'd come down more on her own and hubby & I slept for a few hours.
 Around 5 they woke us up to continue pushing but she was still in an awkward position, so I got in the hands/knees position again..ended up falling asleep in that position. Continued pushing but with every push was in more and more pain. They figured she was probably stuck and called my doctor in. 
Doctor thought we should consider c-section, but wanted to give me the option to try vacuum extraction briefly before we gave up. Started the vacuum extraction & pushing at 7:25am and Aubrey came into this world at 7:39am on February 25th! 6lbs, 12oz and 20 inches long. 
Labored for 17 hours, got sick multiple times during labor and was in the hospital for 4 days for monitoring of my PIH and had a high fever at one point during delivery. Baby had tachycardia at the end of the labor and just after she was born. We are both perfectly healthy and have been home for two days now.