I had an abortion

I had abortion this past fall due to my husband and I just weren't financially ready for another child. We have two already. I was on the pill and things happen. I haven't told anyone or talked to anyone about it. I feel like my husband doesn't understand how I'm feeling. As of the past couple months, we've been doing really well with money and bills and our two boys, and I feel like I'm ready to have another child. But I feel guilty for having abortion. I feel like I don't deserve to have another since I gave my last up. (I did the "pill" abortion just fyi). 
I don't really know what I'm saying here. I just need someone to tell me it's okay. That God forgives me. Everyday since that day, ive been daydreaming of having a big belly and feeling kicks. 
Please just tell me how to deal with all of this.