Makenzie Lynne decided to come two days late on 3/1/17 at 1:59 pm, weighing 6 lbs 14 oz and perfectl...

Makenzie Lynne decided to come two days late on 3/1/17 at 1:59 pm, weighing 6 lbs 14 oz and perfectly healthy! 
I started my day on 2/28 at a regular OB appointment. At that point I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. At that point I was scheduled for induction on 3/5. Later that day around 4 pm I started getting contractions about 8 minutes apart and they were only a mild cramping. Then around 7 that were closer to 5 minutes and much more painful. At 8 they were closer to 4 minutes so I decided to call the doctor and she told me to go ahead and head into L&D to be checked out. When I got there I was about 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced and was told to walk around to get things going because I would only be admitted if I dilated a little more. So I deff walked my butt off! An hour later I was closer to 4 cm and more thinned out so I was staying. As the contractions got stronger I was given morphine to help me sleep until I got the epidural. Man did that stuff make me feel loopy and it helped me doze off a little. The relief only lasted a few hours and at that time I was 5 cm and able to get the epidural. Btw I was super nervous about the epidural but I would recommend it to anyone that is on the fence because it is a life saver! Did not hurt at all going in because they numb you a little and once that kicked in I was able to get plenty of sleep to save up the energy for pushing! 
I stayed at 5 cm throughout the night, but was very comfortable. Come the morning they started me on pitocin to push things along, they had to up the medication a couple times due to the lack of progress but a little after 1 I was 10 cm dilated and ready to push!i pushed for about 45 minutes. the doctor ended up having to cut me along with some tearing, but she was born healthy and perfect! And this is deff the part that I was thankful for the epidural because while I was holding my perfect girl, the doctor was stitching me up and I did not feel a thing! 
I was pretty nervous about delivering my little girl, so I just wanted to tell all you future mamas to relax and let your body, doctors and nurses guide you through the experience because it really is life changing ( and not at all how you fear it's going to be ) 😊