My 42 hours of labor. Yikes!

It all start Sunday, February 19th. I was 37.5 weeks pregnant with a baby boy. The doctor kept saying for weeks that I'd definitely make it to my due date which was March 9th. He also stated a few times that the baby was going to be at the least 8lbs. Sunday morning I woke up, my mother and I had a lot to do, my great grandmother was not doing well so we drove the 3 1/2 hour drive so I could visit her one last time. We had to make a few pit stops, by the time we got there she was sleeping, so I didn't want to bother her. When we left at around 12pm, the contractions started. I didn't think much of it because they were not very regular. We went shopping, to get all the final baby items and some groceries. The contractions seemed a little bit stronger, but not major. I finally made it home at around 11:30ish, and I crashed. I slept better that night than I had in months, and thank God I did. I woke up at 5 am with contractions that were 2-3 minutes apart. My mom was already awake (we shared a room) and I looked at her and she immediately asked if I was okay. I said I was having contractions, and started timing them. I timed for an hour, steady 2-3 minutes. And said it was time to make our way to the hospital. We got everything ready, and left. Halfway there I had to stop and pee 😂. We made it to the hospital at 7:30am. I was dialated to a 2 and 75 percent effaced. I was pissed because I hadn't progressed since my doctors appointment a week earlier. We waited an hour was checked at 8:30 and I was at a 4. They took me to a delivery room, where I stayed for two days in labor. My body started telling me to push at 9:45pm that night, and I just knew it was time, and boy was I wrong. They checked me and I was still a 4. My blood pressure was jumping sky high, and they kept asking if I'd take the epidural, and I hated that. I didn't want it. I didn't want to risk the things I'd heard (drugs the baby, drugs you, etc.). My mom finally had me wright down the pros and cons, and in my situation, the pros outweighed the cons tremendously, so I got the epidural. Scariest shit of my life (and I've been hit by a four-wheeler). As I was waiting for my doctor to come in and break my water when he has an emergency and had to leave. I waited all night, they checked me at 4am and I was dialated to a 5 and 100 percent effaced. I got a bit excited thinking "finally". At 8:30 am the nurses started pitocin, and at 9am my doctor came and broke my water. I was checked again at 12pm and I felt hopeless. Still a 5. At 2:30 pm they checked once more , I was at a 6, they turned me on my left side, and I immediately started feeling heavy contractions it felt like they just kept coming. I couldn't get a break, they gave me extra pain meds, and kept pressing the damn button for the epidural, nothing was working. When my mom came into the room I said "it's time, go get the nurse, it has to be time" the nurse came in, I opened my legs, and she said I see his hair! She slowly got everything ready, it felt like forever. And then my doctor took 10 min to get there. Once he was there, that was it I was ready for my son to be in my arms, I used all I had and he was out in four pushes. Born at 3:10pm February 21st 19 1/2" As I was being stitched up, I was screamed at my doctor because I could feel every damn stich, and I was yelling at the nurses to give me my son. My whole pregnancy I was very sick, said id never do it again. But let me tell you, everything I went through was 110 percent worth it. My little Zayne is by far the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I will definitely go through everything again in a few years if it means I'll have another beautiful baby to love and cherish the way I do Zayne. I'm 18 years old, his father doesn't want anything to do with either of us, but this baby boy keeps me going. I've got college in August, and a handful of people to support me. I couldn't be more thankful.