Owen is here, 6 weeks early!

So I will warn you this may be a little long & I must say it has been a bumpy pregnancy road but the finish line has made every hiccup worth it! To start, I had uti's and kidney stones numerous times in my pregnancy due to my horseshoe kidney and my levels being all messed up so I was put on a daily antibiotic suppression as well as iron pills just to prevent things from going south. Once I hit the third trimester it was like a roller coaster, gaining weight, cramps, not being able to sleep, you name it! But little man was healthy and happy as can be! Then last week, after enjoying a wonderful 70 degree weather day where we went for a nice walk & did some cleaning (and packed the hospital bags!), I went to work. About an hour in, I was having really bad cramps and hot flashes and could barely stand so I left work and went home. Nothing was changing so I went in to get checked and I was dialated 1cm with no contractions; after being monitored for a few hours they sent me home with bed rest orders to not return to work for a week. At my next appointment, I'm told there's no change & to come in Friday 3/3 for a checkup. On 3/2 at around 3:00am, I was laying in bed and *pop* my water breaks! I get to the hospital and I'm not having any contractions & am still at a 1 so they give me a pill to try and kickstart the show, after a few hours still no changing they decide to get me on pitocin instead. I labored with hardcore contractions with no meds from 7pm-1:45am. They gave me my epidural way too late, by the time it was in I was ready to push and it didn't have time to kick in! I started pushing at 2:00 and by 2:13 we were welcome little Owen Michael Luis into the world! A whole 4 lbs 10.5 oz & 17 in long with a full head of hair and a great set of lungs! Cannot wait for him to be outta the NICU and home with us, he is beyond my wildest dreams and I am so in love ❤️