20 weeks today


Our little Emily Cara, is 20 weeks today :-)

Milestones so far include :

Holding her head up for as long as needed.

Rolling from front to back and back to front.

Doesn't like laying on back anymore and attempts to sit up when laid down.

Grabbing anything without missing.

Following mommy and daddy around with her eyes.

"Talking" when mommy and daddy talk to her.

Sitting on her butt while assisted and grabbing toys while seated.

Found her feet, hands and tongue.

Blows raspberries when tickled.

Smiles at all familiar faces.

Puts her face in mom's chest while being held in front of new people, to suggest she's shy.

Can stay entertained while in the saucer bouncer for 10 minutes plus.

Has mastered specific cries for tired/hungry/need a hug/want to play.

Will extended her arms all the way out for the sole purpose of being picked up.

Milestones not met yet for this stage:

Not sleeping in crib.

Not able to fall asleep on her own.

Needs to be walked to sleep, while bounced and shushed.