Precious Angel

On 3/2/3 I went to my regularly weekly appt to my obgyn for a check up on baby. I was 38 weeks and 3 days. So close to the day my precious baby would arrive. Everything goes well until he could not did a hear a heart beat. We all thought she was hiding so he tried the ultrasound machine. That couldn't pick up the heart beat either so my doctor and nurse  were quiet there looking at each other and they're looking at me and I started crying and all my doctor could say was I'm sorry. I'm yelling and crying telling them help me help help me up I need to stand up they get me up and I just start crying on the floor. My nurse asked me if I have anybody to call and that's when I knew that it was really true my baby passed away. I called my mother cry and say why me why me. So my OB/GYN sent me to the hospital nearby. They sent me to labor and delivery so they can get a much more clear ultrasound. So they took that ultrasound and that really confirmed everyone's worst fears. My doctor came in and told me what my options are which is push or c section. I didn't even think about the option of pushing. I couldnt push my dead baby out of me. But it was the best option. So I was induced. With a pitocin drip every hr and a contuniuous epidural. I was in labor for 1 day and a half until she came. The best but saddest moment I ever felt in my life!! I cried when I saw her face. She was sooo beautiful. I held her for a whole day. I couldn't put her down! I miss her sooo much. 
5 pounds 3 ounces
19 1/2 inches long
Jordan Inez Spann