this is awful (PE update)

Kimberly • 32 year old mom of 2 boys... 3rd boy arriving Feb 2017!
I had my healthy baby boy on February 6th! He is so beautiful! 2 days ago (March 2,2017) I started having chest pain. Not like a normal cold type chest pain.. But a constant stabbing like pain on every breath in. My 9 year old son said 'mom in health class if people grab their heart or chest like that then they need to see a doctor ' and' I'll put my shoes on for when you are ready to go ' he is my hero. We got in the car and headed to the walk in clinic. They immediately got us an ambulance ( where they let my 9 year old ride up front and push all the buttons!!) we then got to the er where my patents met us so they could get the kids home.  CT scan and blood work show lots of blood clots in both lungs. Worse in my right lung than my left. I have never felt pain or been so scared that I won't be able to get my next breath. 
Please take it from me... After giving birth pay close attention to swollen legs. Be sure to talK to your doctor! This could have killed me. 
My hero.
UPDATE. March 8, 2017 
Still laying here in the hospital. I guess it takes a while to get the blood thinners to a 'therapeutic' level. Blood draws every 6 hours to test and I feel like I've become a pin cushion. Not to mention the bruises due to the blood thinners. While laying here I found out that March is blood clot awarenes month! And also that one in 6 people die from pulmonary embolisms. I really feel lucky! I would have stayed home and tried to 'sleep' off the pain if my son hadn't tugged at my heart strings! He and I are planning a fun day together as soon as I'm outta here! It's so hard to be here with my 2 older boys and my brand new baby not able to stay here with me 💔 please everyone be safe and pay attention to what your body is telling you!