baby is born!

My beautiful Neelam Evelyn was born yesterday at 1:18pm after 14 hours of labor. After a tough augmentation with pitocin due to premature rupture of membranes, and a lovely epidural, she came into this world weighing 6lb 13 oz and 20 inches long at 38 weeks 6 days. We had some scary moments with the pitocin, my body reacted wickedly to it and I had contractions on top of contractions which stressed her out. After pushing for one hour she was finally born. We had delayed cord clamping and skin to skin on my belly due to a super short umbilical cord. I'm exhausted and so sore from a second degree tear, but I wouldn't change any of it! Breast feeding has been a struggle because my milk hasn't came in yet. We are currently using donor milk and I'm so thankful for the option to do so. My original birth plan contained nothing in my above birth story except a healthy baby being born, but I'm okay with that. She came the way she was supposed to and is healthy and I can't ask for much more than that. Good luck to all you still waiting on your precious miracles!