11 days late 2 negative tests

my cycle is usually 27-29 days long. I came off birth control in Oct. 2016. my boyfriend and I are very sexually active and use the "pull out" method.. lol. we're not trying to get pregnant but it wouldn't be the end of the world if we were to. my periods have been spot on with two different apps. however this month I am 11 days late. I am on day number 38 of my cycle. around when I was supposed to get my period my boyfriend and I were having sex. I was on top and felt enough pain to have to get off and while trying to go to bed I was having some srious pains inside my vagina and my lower abdomen. since that night I have been fine and we've had sex since. I thought maybe it was just really bad cramps and the start of my period.. but it hasn't come yet. I took a pregnancy test at 7 days and again this morning. both were no doubt negative but I also didn't use my first pee of the morning. should I wait a few more days or should I call up my Dr first thing tomorrow and have a blood test/exam done? thanks!!