induced and it was not cute

I'm beyond thrilled to have my baby girl with me but the road to this moment was not exactly ideal. I have been monitored for high blood pressure the last few weeks of my pregnancy and everything was looking good. On Tuesday i went in for my NST and  everything was looking normal, on Wednesday I went in for a dr appointment and my pressure was elevated so he wanted me to get induced. I was 38+4 at the time and he sent me to L&D. I got there at 6:30pm at that time I was only 1cm dilated and wasn't feeling any contractions. The dr recomended a ballon like mechanism to be inserted in me to hurry the dilation and started me on the IV drug to bring on the contractions. The nurses would come and check on me because I was getting a lot of contractions but I honestly did not feel them, they just felt like baby movements to me. By 7 am, I was 2 cm, a full 12 hours of medicine and no food for only a cm difference. So they took me off the medicine so I could eat and walk for two hours and at the end of those two hours the ballon finally came out and we found out I was only 2.5 cm. They put me on the contraction medicine again and I was still not feeling them as intense as I should be. So the midwife decided that rupturing my water would help me and by 8pm I was really feeling my contractions. In two hours I went from 2.5 cm and no pain to a full 10 cm getting ready to push her out of me. The pushing itself lasted about 30 min and at 10:27pm on 3/2/17 I had my beautiful baby girl in my arms. I did get a 2nd degree tear but holding my baby makes it all worth it.