Flying with 2 month old

At the end of the month I will be flying to visit family and was wondering if anyone had any advice on what to bring or the process in general. She sleeps well and I'm expecting her to during the flight. I've heard that nursing during take off and landing can help with pressure changes. My biggest concern is her car seat. We have both an infant carrier that attaches to our stroller and an all-in-one convertible seat. I wanted to check the convertible with the luggage and wear her through the airport, but I heard that checking it can cause damage to the seat and make it unsafe. But I also wonder if gate checking a stroller and carrier, or carrying a heavy seat, will be a lot of hassle during layovers. Would purchasing a gate check bag or car seat bag be worth it? My husband is still waiting for his leave to be approved to make the trip so there is the possibility of being by myself. Any advice is appreciated!