Eating Plan

Has anyone used any of those eating plan things like nutrisystem, blue ribbon (I think that's what it's called), etc? If yes what was it called, did it help you lose some weight, and about how much does it cost? I'm really needing/wanting to lose weight. I already weighed quite a bit and got pregnant as a happy accident, if I would have known I would have gotten pregnant I would have tried harder to lose weight before but I lost almost every bit from pregnancy except 5 lbs but I'm wanting to try and get into better shape, I already try to diet some days I mess up but I was wondering if I only got one of those meal planning things it would help keep me on track already having all my meals planned etc. I can do that myself but it's kind of hard to sit down and try to write down and figure out exactly how I want to do it having a baby, especially since she's in this stage where she needs to be held or she screams.. I almost forgot to mention I'm trying to get a workout routine going I do little bits here and there but I'm trying to get my routine going along with trying to get my baby girl into some routines throughout the day.