how do people decide on one name?! 😅

We're having genetic testing done this week and should know by Friday or Saturday what the sex of our baby is. I'm 11 weeks today. I would LOVE to announce the sex with the name... but how do you pick one? 😂 I'm hoping it will be easier once we know the sex. But for now, here is my list. Pick your favorite for each sex! Our last name is Oldham (pronounced ol-dahm not old-ham lol)
Girl: Elsie, Brielle, Brynn, Naomi, Noah, River, Sage, and Lily. 
Boy: Asher, Alder, Noah, Boone, Greyson (Grey for short), Theodore, Fox (my absolute fave), and Jensen. 
We don't have any set middle name for a girl, although I would like to use a family name like Renee', Susanna, Elizabeth, Mae, or Alcova. 
For a boy we'd have to use the middle name Aaron due to a family tradition in hub's family, the first grandson gets the grandfather's first name as his middle.