hormonal mess today

Just need to vent...Apparently I have entered the emotional stage of my pregnancy 😒 I am so grouchy today for no real reason. I think the physical changes of pregnancy are starting to bother me a bit - got a few stretch marks on my boobs, having less clothes each week that are actually comfortable, weird aches and pains. And people are starting to comment on my belly and say weird things to me - asking if it was planned (yes, tried for 18 months 🙄), how much weight I've gained (4 lbs, thanks), if my husband is happy about it, if I'm sure it's just 1, etc. Why do people feel like they can say these things to strangers?! And yes, my belly is getting round - I'm 20 weeks pregnant, not sure what people expect to happen ☹️ I'm very self conscious anyway so I think having so much attention paid to my body is just getting to me. Just one of those days where pregnancy is not super fun. But then I feel my baby kick and remember that it will all be worth it.