Rainbow Baby Growing So Much! I'm Blessed!

Shunnie-Lynn • Expecting Baby #1 October 6 after a miscarriage December 24th 💕🌈| Jay has my ❤️
Hey lovelies,
I had a miscarriage on December 24,2016 at 6 weeks pregnant. I was so devastated and my SO was so hurt and wanted to try again immediately I DIDNT. I couldn't put myself through it again. On January 20th I took a pregnancy test after being emotional and it was negative to him but VFP to me but I let it go I didn't have a period so I just assumed it was nothing. On January 23rd A BFP came 😍 I haven't had any morning sickness or symptoms so I assumed that something was wrong but TODAY I got to hear my babies heart beat for the first time and seen he/she move and I felt butterflies. Ladies don't give up because trust me when God is ready for you to bring life you will. Now I have 2 and a half more weeks until I'm in the safe zone and I'm ready for it 😍 looking at 5 weeks 3 days ago and now at 9 weeks and 3 days my little big head has grown so much 😊 I'm a mom now ❤️