Breastfeeding help

Caitlyne • Bonus mom to 2💜💙 Bio mom to 1 💜
My daughter was born Feb 23rd, so she's 9 days now and is exclusively breastfed. 
As expected the first week was really tough on my breasts. Now my right side is doing great *knock on wood* 
But my left is giving me issues! 
When my daughter latches it's excruciating. I even let out a bit of a yelp. The first few sucks are the same pain. Afterwards it's a bit better but still hurts. 
There is a part on the top of my nipple that almost looks like a cut/the nipple cracking apart. (Not dry skin crack though) 
anyone go thru this and know what to do? I honestly can't feed her from that side anymore it's just too painful (I'm gonna pump tomorrow to relieve the pressure, hoping it won't hurt as much, and will suffice until whatever it is is fixed) 
What can I do to try and solve the issue (whatever it is) 
My mom said clogged duct, but I'm not sure!