Scared and shaken up

I take public transportation, and usually I end up on the "wrong side of town" late at night. It never usually bothers me; I've never had a bad experience, I'm always careful to stay in well lit places and keep an eye on my surroundings, and I just never have been scared or worried about it. Until tonight.

Tonight, I got scared. A man walked up to me as I was at my bus stop and said "boy, you must be brave being out here. It's not safe for you, being pregnant and alone this late in a place with no security or cameras or anything". I didn't even respond...what am I supposed to say to someone saying something like that? I tried telling myself he was just being concerned, but honestly I felt very threatened. I decided to say screw it and pay the $20 to Uber home. I walk away and head for the nearest gas station that is well lit and secured to call my ride. I didn't feel very safe staying there with him for an hour waiting on the bus. I call my mom while I wait on my ride to get there, so I feel less alone. And a second man walks up to me, asking if I'm alone, if I have a man, if I'm interested in spending time with him. I tell him I'm married and not interested, and try walking away. He follows me and persists to ask personal questions that I ignore until my ride finally gets there.

I'm home safe now, and I know maybe they weren't really a threat to me, and maybe I'm being overdramatic, but I just had never felt so vulnerable and alone before. I can't drive, and I need to work, but I honestly am scared to take the bus now. Am I being dramatic or overreacting? How would you respond in this situation?