Vomiting Baby (Over a Week!)

Lauren • You get what you give.

My baby girl has been vomiting her formula and any other foods we give for nearly a week and a half or so. We have taken away solids and tried formula. This just made it runnier. We tried giving her thicker foods to see if her tummy could hold them down longer than liquids. Nope!

Her formula has been diluted to keep her hydrated and I'm not sure what to do. I tried putting her back up to 2 scoops/4oz slowly after a good day and she immediately threw all of it up.

She's only vomiting 1-2 times per day. Always vomits if I bring her to bed to cosleep but not if she sleeps alone. (May be coincidence or maybe sleeping positions putting more or less pressure on her tummy?)

Very calm chill baby. Active. Not lethargic. 0 signs of dehydration. No blood in stool or vomit. No signs of infection.

Was running fever off and on a week ago, but hasn't run a fever in nearly a week. We assumed maybe teething?

No this is not SPIT UP. It's vomit. It's usually projectiled and a lot!