So this turned out to be much better than I thought it would


So this turned out to be much better than I thought it would.

I woke up at 12:30 am on Monday morning to go to the bathroom. Once I finished and took a couple of steps I felt these spurts of what I though was more urine. It leaked all over the floor and my pants so I quickly cleaned up and went back to bed. I started too look things up online and everything said that that might have been my water breaking. So I got up one more time to check and more came spurting out. So I woke my fiance and we heading to the hospital. I was having no pain, no contractions, no bloody show... nada. Turns out I had already dilated 4 cm and was 50% effaced so they admitted me. I made it to 7 cm before begging for the epidural and after that everything was unicorns and rainbows. I never felt a contraction so the nurse wanted to check me and SURPRISE! I was fully dilated and ready to go. I pushed for maybe 5 minutes and then my beautiful son made his appearance into the world! I could definitely do this again...