that moment when you don't know what's up with your vagina...anyone else?

Hi, I've been trying to keep up and figure out what's up with my vagina and the smell and the discharge for about a year now. It has a different smell to it sometimes I catch it when I move around to much. But I'm really wanting to know what could it be. Last year I started having sex with (. Then boyfriend) and we had a mishap where the condom broke and he actually let off in me but didn't realize it till after. After that my vagina had this unpleasant odor almost as if something was decaying or something and then it went away but just left a unpleasant scent. Ever since then my vagina has not been the same. I've been tested for everything and it's all came back negative so no STD or STI. But my discharge almost feels and smells like when I use the pee and I've noticed sort of like a bleaching in my underwear. I've never had this issue before and I wanna get my vagina back to its natural happy pH/ state. I've tried the yogurt and drinking more water, probiotics cranberry juice, not washing with any soap etc, but I rlly don't feel like all of that is getting to the issue...I need some answers!