Need to talk

Ok so I've been off the pill for 8 months. Periods pretty much all over the place since then - getting a bit better now with the last few months going as follows:
3.5 week cycle - 6 week cycle - 3.5 week cycle.
Anyway last month was when me and my husband really started to take things seriously to conceive - checking glow for my ovulation dates. The past week or so I've had a few symptoms too - sickness feeing, frequent urination....but I've done a test this morning and nothing.
I just want some advice from ppl who have been or are in the same situation as me. I'm worried there is something wrong with me. I've not been to the docs yet but have started to take inofolic thinking I might have pcos.
Any advice would be great.  I assume glow doesn't really know when I'm ovulating too because of the irregular periods so I've bought a kit - includes basal thermometer and ovulation strips. Any advice?
Thank you x