venting about ER doctor (long)

I am currently 19 weeks 6 days. So Monday I started having pain in my right side on my back at the bottom of my ribs. Started around 2pm. By 8:30 pm I was in so much pain I was throwing up. So I went to the Emergency room. I knew nothing was wrong with my little one but my concern was a possible infection. So I go in and the doctor walks in with this skeptical look on his face (like I'm faking it) now by the time I saw him my pain had dulled to a tolerable level and I was able to chat and laugh. But still I WAS IN PAIN. So of course he has to ask me question and I was explaining that I wouldn't be so concerned if i wasn't pregnant. His response was "so how do we know we're pregnant" with a tone that said you're way to young to be pregnant and I think you're lying to me. So I explained that 1) I can feel the baby move and 2) I've had SEVERAL doctors visits because this was a PLANNED baby. So then he responds with "have you had any lady bleeding?" Wtf is lady bleeding do you mean vaginal bleeding? Because no I haven't had any of that if that's what you're asking. Now kind you I'm 25 and I don't drink. I don't like alcohol. It's not something that I've ever really been into. So literally every time he explained what I could and couldn't do which every sentence involved alcohol somehow he proceeded to tell me that I am not allowed to have booze. I've never been someone to hate a word. But that word is appalling to me. Like if I'm going to drink I don't drink "booze" I drink alcohol. I couldn't help but feeling like he thought this was my first unplanned teen pregnancy. I'm sick of being disrespected because I look young or am young to be having my second child. 
Sorry for the long rant. I just had to get that off my chest! But for those of you who stuck around I have a kidney stone that I need to pass. Yay me. The pain is gone but could come back. Unless I already passed it. Let's hope it's already gotten through my system!