jealousy or scared?

My guy and I have been together for 6 months. A few weeks ago I brought up a girls name that I saw he has been texting( I really did not care) first he said he met her at a concert and has not seen her in a year. Than it was he met her a civil air patrol and she moved alway. I asked for this girls number. He gave it to me, I asked her what was going on she said she never met him and she wants to know why he is in the middle of everything. So I kinda dropped it. We were sitting in the kitchen and I look over at his phone and a selfie snapchated to him from another chick I ask him who she is as I'm asking so I swipe over and see "😘😘" back and forth saved to the chat. He said it was along time ago (I was unable to see the date) he later deleted his Snapchat and said it's causing to many people he does not like to get ahold of him again. What do I believe? I love him to death but I have so many close calls and warnings. I ask him about it and he says he would never cheat on me and ect. What should I do? Am I being jelous?