Please help, contemplating suicide, baby deserves more

So I decided to announce my pregnancy today to my mom and sister. I was glowing after an ultrasound showed a strong heartbeat and healthy baby. I just felt 'ready', you know? I was so excited. Well, after a whole cute presentation that took me over an hour to prepare and presenting photos of the baby with heart rate and everything, merrily telling the story of how I found out, wanna know how they reacted? My sister said "K" and left and my mom told me to 'scrape it out' and that my boyfriend is going to leave me because he won't want anything to do with this mess, and that if I don't 'scrape it out' no man will ever want to date me again. I want to kill my self. I love my baby so much and it hurts enough that I can't afford a big beautiful house to raise it in with a beautiful nursery. It hurts enough that my boyfriend who I love will, yes, possibly leave me over my decision to keep it. But I never expected to be sobbing all alone, gripping my ultrasound photos, laying on the floor feeling sorry for my baby, who's mommy just can't provide for it. I will be homeless without my parents support, as I was recently made redundant. I love my baby too much to lose it. I feel like just going with it. I need help.